
IVR polling software designed for real Pollsters. Conduct scientific IVR polls with advanced features!

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PrecisePoll Platform

Poll Software for Advanced Pollsters

PrecisePoll™ is built for pollsters who need to get it right every time. PrecisePoll™ goes way beyond our Advanced IVR software.

We are supporting you behind the scenes every step of the way. We understand IVR and live polling is a serious industry and you require the best support, software and tools on the market.


Live Support 365

Live Support 7 Days

PrecisePoll™ has an award winning live support team. 7 days a week until 12am. We also have dedicated campaign concierges who can help set up and test your jobs anytime.


Fully Compliant

Fully Compliant

Stratics Networks built in compliance suite ensures you never dial outside 9am – 9pm local with our time zone protection. Scrub out mobile phones, use the National DNC or create and maintain your own internal DNC all in your PrecisePoll™ Platform.


White Label

Full White Label Ready

Make us disappear. Our platform is 100% white label and untraceable to PrecisePoll™ and Stratics Networks. Roll out accounts to other polling firms and manage all aspects under your account.

Developed for PhDs, Pollsters and Researchers

Nine out of ten IVR polls are skewed and sacrifice methodology in exchange for cost and speed. PrecisePoll™ is very different. Developed for PhD pollsters and researchers, this advanced IVR platform allows you to eliminate bias found in a majority of IVR polls while increasing speed and lowering costs.

Additional Features

Voice Responses

Voice Responses

Allows a person to respond with their voice rather than pressing a key. The poll can proceed automatically after the voice response is given.

Intelligent Call Scheduling

Intelligent Call Scheduling

You can set your poll to run between certain hours and restrict calling on any day. Note: The PrecisePoll™ Software Suite has time zone protection making it impossible to call outside of 9am – 9pm.

Caller ID Pools

Caller ID Pools

In the case of a smaller list you may call a household a few times in a given week to achieve your sample size.

Retry Multiple Times

Retry Multiple Times

If you get an answering machine, busy signal, or a no answer, you can choose to automatically retry this number again later (up to 5 times).

True Randomized Questions

True Randomized Questions

The Stratics Networks’ PrecisePoll™ software allows you to set randomization to polling questions to prevent answer bias.

Pick Who NOT to Call

Phone List Control

You can exclude anyone that you have already called or who may have answered a partial poll or who even hung up. This is useful when you’re using a large list and don’t want to call people you’ve recently surveyed.

Live Patch-through

Live Patch-through Calls

You can easily route calls to agents or phone numbers. This feature is great for a Live Agent/IVR blended poll. Example: Hello, if you would prefer taking this survey with a live agent, press 3 to be connected now. Otherwise, the first question is…

Free Local Caller IDs

Free Local Caller IDs

Stratics Networks provides free TCPA compliant caller ID numbers to our clients for any area in the country. You can also choose to have this number forwarded to a voicemail, pbx or any number you choose.

Single Digit Key Presses

Single Digit Key Presses

Allows you to use any digit from 0-9, * and the # key to collect responses.

Wholesale Billing

Wholesale Billing

6 second increments only from the time the phone is answered.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

Run two surveys side by side to compare response rates.

Question & Answer Naming

Question & Answer Naming

Type in your question and each answer and the PrecisePoll™ software suite will automatically display this on your reports.

View Complete Features

Try It Now To Create Your First

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