Ask a member of the Stratics Networks community and they will tell you, we have the best support team in the industry.
- 2 minute average response time for a ticket.
- 3 minute average resolution time.
- 100% of support calls answered by a live human within 6 rings.
- Live support 7 days a week until 11PM.
With that said, election season is super busy and taxing on our clients. We want you to know we have your back!
We are Extending Support Hours and Increasing Our Support Specialists:
From Friday, October 28th – November 4th, we have support agents standing by from 9AM-12AM (EST) and we have support agents available around the clock for ticket support.
On November 5th, 6th and 7th, we will be here literately ALL NIGHT LONG.
Extended Election Support Hours:
Friday October 28th – November 4th 9AM – 12AM (EST)
November 5th-8th 9AM – ANYTIME (we won’t close)
(Support Hours will Return to Normal on November 9th)
To Contact Us:
Call: 1.866.635.6918
Email: [email protected]